Monday, August 23, 2010

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The communication, not necessarily must face-to-face sit down, discussed in all seriousness, finds time to telephone to teacher, to send a short note is the good method. But, when hits, hits the long time,unique baby gifts, the conversation method and so on is truly also worth communicating has the skill

Washes the air packet son to be on vacation from school gets the home, clothes not to escape, the small face rises very red, tells me: Mother, has a unhappy matter today! I have been punished by forcing to stand by teacher

Listens to him to narrate very annoyingly, how did I know a matter: He creates a disturbance in the corridor and several boys, the result is caught by the school student on duty, including schoolmates run quickly,(Related Articleskids costumes Research Pastes the water friend original real artificial eye to capture the third is), has not been grasped. Afterward the class and grade has buckled the discipline minute, he is punished by forcing to stand by teacher. Couple days ago probably because also he stands on the table, is punished by forcing to stand the warning by teacher and so on.

I thought that should communicate with teacher, was taking advantage daddy was leading the crevice time which they went out, I have made a phone call to teacher.

First: I express the apology, put to trouble for teacher and the class and grade, lets teacher exhaust oneself,jazzy toes baby socks, lets the class and grade score suffer injury is very restless! Thanks teacher to child's help,cheap kids shoes, the post expresses the pardon laboriously to teacher. (with apology and gratitude aperture, compared with easy to communicate.)

Teacher: Compared with has accepted my prologue happily, started our conversation very warmly.

Then: I appraise the child objectively, acknowledges his mischievousness. And explains with examples sometimes also is very at home mischievous, teaches frequently by me, sometimes I meet the corporal punishment. Then expanded said that boy universal active, how hoped and teacher discusses to communicate must pay attention to the way and the method. The raise child, guardian teacher wants to work as one!

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