Monday, August 9, 2010

girls coats [dota captures] about dota female celestial dragon phase shift skill explaining in detai

[dota captures] about dota female celestial dragon phase shift skill explaining in detail

First, foreword

Everybody will perhaps ask such question: 鈥渇emale celestial dragon's does F automatic good manual good 鈥渨hen open automatically......Hoped that this article can have some help, lets everybody better understanding phase shift this skill.

Second,girls coats, skill introduction

Phase shift

In the female celestial dragon short time changes the dimension which one locate, does not receive any injury temporarily. The phase shift condition may momentarily terminate.

Cooling time: 6s

Black magic consumption: 50/40/30/20 spot

Duration: 0.75/1.5/2.25/3s

The female celestial dragon's phase shift and differs from to war's skill prototype. Not only the phase shift in fact has given the female celestial dragon phase shift (stealth) the condition, but also has given the invincible condition and the Marker ability. Since so, nearly had guaranteed all AOE and the directive property skill are unable to affect in the phase shift condition female celestial dragon.

Third, may interrupt the phase shift condition the skill

Because the invincible condition and the Marker ability's existence, the nearly all interrupt skill is unable to affect in the phase shift condition female celestial dragon.

The union-like displacement which does through triggering has the interrupt ability, therefore non-AOE (examines the Marker unit) the union-like displacement may interrupt the phase shift condition.

These skills include:

Recalls, as soon as the return, the nether world strikes.

The loyal test for is not had an effect by the special establishment to the phase shift.

Fourth, phase shift state of activation (opening automatic condition)

Opens the automatic phase shift when receives any injury to trigger, and through gives the female celestial dragon invincible condition to avoid this injury. But if this injury skill has the silence (wild in passing for example blood), dizzy (for example black magic arrow), suspends (for example puncture) and so on effects, and these effects before injury, then the female celestial dragon is unable to avoid this skill.

鈶燭he HP direct deduction way does not belong to the injury, will not trigger the state of activation the phase shift.

For example: The electromagnetic pulse, uses up the heart corona, the terror fluctuation,cool kids clothing, the soul separates and so on.

鈶he part has the dizzy/miniature dizzy injury skill.

Hammer of based on the storm, thunder and lightning and so on skill, dizzy effect before injury, is unable through the phase shift opening automatic avoidance. But has some peculiar circumstances or the skill which does through triggering, injures before the dizziness, can by the automatic condition phase shift avoidance.

The part may avoid automatically dizzy/miniature dizzy skill tabulation and briefing:

Note: This table only selected the part typical skill to carry on the analysis, by no means all skill test result.

1. series frost: After discharging the series frost, the goal enters 0.01s immediately the sleep. When receives frost's injury the sleep has ended.

2. the thunder stroke (does not have electrostatic field): The thunder stroke is hammers of the 9999 storm provides dizzily through the speed, retards the chain-like lightning with 0.25s to provide the injury. When receives the injury dizzy has finished.

3. thunder stroke (electrostatic field): The electrostatic field injury is before the thunder stroke. Opens when the automatic avoidance has the electrostatic field thunder stroke, will not present the thunder stroke the animation.

4. death (specific rank): Specific rank extra injury before thunder and lightning.

5. arrow of the confusion: The thunder and lightning only provides miniature dizzy. Injury before.

6. god of death sickle: Hammer of the storm only provides dizzily. Injury before. Avoided hammer of flight process in the storm the goal life value change to injuring the value the influence. When only female celestial Long Feiman blood condition may avoid automatically.

7. the supernatural power is void: Hammer of the storm only provides dizzily. Injury before. Avoided hammer of flight process in the storm the goal black magic value change to injuring the value the hero. When only female celestial Long Feiman evil spirit condition may avoid automatically.

8. arrow of the Queen of night: Injury before dizziness.

9. the gully (aftershock/does not have aftershock): The gully provides injury before own dizzy and aftershock.

10. spirit ship: Injury before dizziness.

11. double-edged sword: Injury before dizziness.

12. unstable compound: Injury before dizziness.

13. meat hook: Injury before miniature dizzy. Moves effectively.

14. anomalous form attack: Injury before dizziness. Moves effectively.

15. cuts invincibly: Cuts through the speed is invincibly hammers of the 1000 storm provides dizzily, usually the situation cuts the first knife's injury is before invincibly hammer of this storm arrives.

16. detests: Each time injury before dizziness.

17. medicament lacking in vigilance: Injury before dizziness.

鈶he part has other effect injury skill.

Major part based on first edition skill effect before injury; Majority skill injury which does through triggering before the effect.

The different skill effect and the injury order successively is different. If the laser, the injury is before the blinding effect; Spear of the soul, decelerates the effect is before the injury.

Fifth, phase shift manual and automatic contrast and suggestion

鈶燤anual avoidance good and bad points: In the group fights or in the tangled warfare has the choice avoidance skill, not attacks by the match and dogface's Pu the consumption; Is unable to avoid the non-trajectory the momentary action skill (for example incorruptible nova, frost nova, eclipses brain, elimination cuts directly kills), avoids the non-indication with difficulty the sneak attack (for example unstable compound, arrow of the Queen of night).

鈶utomatic avoidance good and bad points: By the match feigning movement deceit (for example shade pressure), the hurrying along efficiency maximization will not be wasted the time (for example arrow of the automatic avoidance the Queen of night), has the effect to the partial heroes (for example burrow assassin, patching artisan, spirit of the storm); Is unable to avoid has the dizzy skill majority, is attacked easily by the dogface triggering, does not favor an opposite hero to the line time.

鈶he automatic avoidance can be forbid jumps the knife and the evil spirit dragon, the automatic avoidance can consume the Lincoln law ball. The phase shift located at the injury determination flow's terminal, the Lincoln law ball, jumps the knife, the evil spirit dragon determination is before the phase shift.

鈶he part has the 0.25s detention based on the chain-like lightning's skill, if is struck by lightning, dies a figure, may see the animation effect manual avoids again.

鈶f opposite has white tiger, summons, the spiral spring,baby gear, heroes and so on numerous gods, the silk blood hurry along when may open automatically.

鈶iddle of the mill Solo may open automatically to the specific some heroes, like source of the painful, witch monster; Another some specific heroes may manual, like devil sorcerer, butcher.

Sixth, loses the invincible condition and the Marker ability

The phase shift condition's female celestial dragon has the possibility to lose the invincible condition and the Marker ability, but still maintained the phase shift the stealth condition or at stealth period which lengthens continues maintains the phase shift the contour.

鈶燭he use does not contain the stop order goods.

Will use any goods or the order will cause the female celestial dragon to lose the invincible condition and the Marker ability. But the use certain including the stop order's goods, still could not maintain the phase shift the stealth condition.

1. hopes the tile the protection

2. crazy mask

3. food corpse clever king's shoulder patch

4. front of the Luo river Sa


Enters the stealth under the phase shift condition, after the phase shift had ended, stealth period continues maintains the phase shift the contour.

1. front of the Luo river Sa

2. month dark surface

The following chart shows, the phase shift contour's female celestial dragon moves freely.

Note: The nature shield is unable to affect in the invincible unit.

鈶auses the phase shift condition the female celestial dragon has the displacement.

Under the phase shift condition the female celestial dragon is examined when leaves executes the law place outside 125, detachment female celestial dragon invincible condition and Marker ability. The part displacement effect is before the skill which the injury occurs (anomalous form attack) and through the stop order coordination displacement's skill (vacuum) does not meet the condition.

1. meat hook

The following chart shows, the butcher will open automatic female celestial Long Gouzhi under the tower the OOXX. this time's phase shift only then the stealth condition, not invincible.

2. the roaring flame attacks and destroys

With meat hook. The roaring flame attacks and destroys the ball to open the distance to be bigger than 125 only then may observe the phenomenon.

鈶he part injury the unusuality which creates before the dizzy/stop effect's skill.

When hammer of the ordinary storm (is before dizzily injury) affects in the opening automatic female celestial dragon, female celestial Long Hui receives dizzy and the injury, had finished after dizzily, enters the phase shift; When an ordinary injury is before the effect skill function in the opening automatic female celestial dragon, the female celestial dragon enters the phase shift, but will not come under the effect influence; When a special injury is before the dizzy/suspension/stop order's skill affects an opening automatic female celestial dragon, the female celestial dragon receives the dizzy/suspension/stop order the effect but not to receive injures, when after the dizzy/suspension/stop order had ended, enters the phase shift, but does not have the invincible condition and the Marker ability.

The above third kind of situation is when because injures registers, the phase shift is requested to carry out and to start a 5.9s timer as triggering type CD. because, but female celestial dragon 0.1s Shi Faqian swings, not yet completes the phase shift namely to receive the dizzy/suspension/stop order. After the dizzy/suspension/stop order had ended, enters the phase shift again, but the system cannot screen the first phase shift not to complete, as a result of the 5.9s triggering type CD limit, this time phase shift instead does not give the invincible condition and the Marker ability.

These skills include: The aftershock, the horse's hoof tramples, as soon as the commission beastly petrochemical, the nether world strikes, ultra strong motion wave and so on.

The following chart shows, after half troops chief is attacking dizzily, enters the phase shift condition female celestial dragon.

The following chart shows, after 5.9s triggering type CD, the invincible condition's female celestial dragon is attacking half troops chief.

Seventh, the related phase shifts other aspects some explanations

鈶燭he female celestial dragon still maintained the collision volume in the phase shift condition.

鈶he phase shift with jumps the knife

Man Ji the phase shift with jumps the knife to be forbid the time to be the same, and jumps the knife after receiving the injury to be forbid the determination to have the 0~0.33s detention, in the overwhelming majority situation plays the families to be possible calm advance the phase to shift 3s- jumps the knifethe operation.

Jumps the knife before the use has not executed the law to swing with the twinkle retards, but needs to consider the turning around speed and the reaction rate question.

The female celestial dragon turns around speed 0.4, the deflection angle 61掳., then uses jumps to turn around the time the knife twinkle to after death 180掳 the direction region after 0.157s. This turning around time cannot neglect in some peculiar circumstances, for example: The bedding bag ion outer covering (injury is being separated 0.1s) when the unit chases down and kills, enters the phase shift condition, 3s backward after death 180掳 the direction use jumps the knife, this time extremely has the possibility defeat.

Female celestial dragon in phase shift period maintains fixed facing. Therefore when the suggestion in the use the phase shifts 3s- jumps the knifethe skill escape, the presetting direction enters the phase shift again.

鈶efurbishing ball and - WTF pattern

In order to prevent the invincible condition and Marker ability abusiveness, the phase shift by special increase 5.9s triggering CD. under - the WTF pattern or through the refurbishing ball, in triggered in CD to be redundant the phase shift which the use obtained not to have the invincible condition and the Marker ability.

鈶he phase shift cannot lengthen Buff the duration. When Man Ji the phase shift opening is automatic, any poison kind or other continue to reduce blood skill quite Yu Zhi to create half to the female celestial dragon the injury.

鈶hase shift's Marker ability causes the female celestial dragon during avoidance overwhelming majority negative skill, is also unable to obtain benefits in the triggering type AOE skill positive effect. If Makens the vigor, the shadow pastor's knitting, the magic club/magic wand sufficient can and so on.

鈶he phase shift in the root hair winding class skill (winding, crazy growth, ice-bound forbids) under the function is unable to use, (flies shoes in the transmission condition, returns to the city reel) under the state of activation to be invalid temporarily.

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