Wednesday, August 4, 2010

new baby gift baskets [the dota interview] Light comments the ESWC strongest match to remember deepe

Light elder brother .LightofHeaveN

In agreed not frequently the interview in the rumor sound, the DTS member, the Russian DotA legend, LightOfHeaven (light elder brother) has accepted the interview.

Except in China, because the contract terms request accepts the interview, how are we informed you usually not to accept the interview. Why is this?
Light: The interview is and an inquiry take newsman's judgment as the angle of view person interaction, I do not like this way. It could not create the relaxed happy exchange atmosphere.

How do you regard other apex contestant, for example Kuroky and Loda, they have made the massive interviews, and has the blog?
Light: In my opinion, this is they are partial to and this circle exchange way. Perhaps is because they like paying attention and the bean or sweet potato starch noodles approval. Individual experience tells me, this world majority of people like this.

You are receive widespread welcome in the DotA powder bobbin, they come from Russia, Khazak, China and so on. Regarding demanded that your picture bean or sweet potato starch noodles, how are respond?
Light: I not too approve this procedure, because this will account for my time. Says take materialism as the angle, I did not think that I can obtain benefits.

That signature, you will also reject?
Light: This cannot. Some time, signs in me time one kind of very interesting pricking, this kind of feeling is very at heart good.

Obviously, you have the extreme success DotA profession, wins the ASUS champion many times. This is the goal which you pursue, or has behind some game's latent reason?
Light: I play DotA am to let the my body and mind full scale development.

In Russia, Ukraine and other neighboring countries, have many strong teams, but never has one to consider that is the world is strongest. You thought that CIS will have ability to become a super strong team?
Light: No, I not such thought. Russia and Ukraine play the family to have many other hobbies, they will always not pursue one. The Slav plays the family to need to spend the time to make money to support itself. In Asia,new baby gift baskets, Europe and the US, some young people play the family to be possible Lian Zhuo to play 12 hours DotA, does not have what thing to be possible to prevent them.

However, looks like NAVI to display the outstanding troop like this, is reposing our hope.

Take NAVI as the example, if they do not have the sturdy sponsor, or does not have the enough support,(Related Articlesbaby girls Children's clothing sale The exclusive), moves toward the world DotA stage is an impractical matter?
Light: , Cites an example, to hit OSPL-Cup, we need the fund to buy the airplane ticket, lives in the hotel, but also has eats meal. Even if is rides the train to come back these Qian Zuan also to need period of time. Cites an example again,baby girls dresses, looks like Fnatic such team, brings in money is very easy, therefore they may wait 30 days in China to play the competition, then the following several weeks participate send rightly, sightseeing. This to us is may not be able absolutely. In brief, some money's person will not play DotA, because they will have other matters to do.

Let our supposition, if you have the stable support to set up the dream team. Who you will choose? You have what expectation to this troop? Generally speaking, regarding a strong team, what is must?
Light: Enjoys the pleasure and the teammate in the game exchanges, if removes these two factors, moreover if also I knew human,prada kids shoes, then this troop could be these people: Misery, Loda, PGG, Vigoss, Kuroky or Fear., but, if you look for 5 ordinary fellows, between them the tacit understanding is full, the exchange is frequent, hits looks like a lubrication the very good machine. Believes me, they may hit the entire universe not to have the rival.

After ProDotaChallenge obtains fourth, what view do you have to the league tournament?
Light: Compares before on-line league tournament, this result is satisfying. I did not approve that allows one to play the family in many troop potency procedure. However overall speaking, I very much appreciate the organization competition's undertaking side when the processing violation of regulations question, their understanding and elastic policy.

On-line competes pleasant, but who lets us change world DotA the circle most important sports event - - ESWC.DTS.Chatrixs biggest enemy is?
Light: We biggest enemy is UncleVova(DyaDyaVova) and company.

You before has said in the world the strongest troop in Asia. Such will think why, will soon be starting ESWC you will most favor that troop?
Light: I such want to be because, if you looked recently was most influential three league tournament ESWC, Alienware and SMM, the answer is very clear. How no matter saying that I have looked at the European contestants and the Asian contestants play the competition, and has fought with them, from an observer's angle, the Asian contestants even more enjoys the competition. About troop which favors, my flattery in view of the fact that is not too insufficient to the Asian DotA pattern understanding, but CH has given me the profound impression.

By an optional way ending, who the heroes who you most do like is?
Light: Spirit of the storm, summons the teacher, with elder brother Engineer Breene.

Postscript: Perhaps was the recent performance has aroused him is the DotA circle provides time interview the procedure, this let the innumerable bean or sweet potato starch noodles extremely feel grateful. No matter what, follows ESWC oncoming, DTS is also having section of very long difficult roads to walk.

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